cover of Getting Around in China



Getting Around in China: Notes from an American Traveler © Fred Richardson

© 2008 Beth Helstien

From Waldron Island, Richardson rights a practical handbook for anyone traveling, living or doing business in China. The first section of the book covers the basics--maps, getting around on boats, bicycles, and trains. Travelers’ concerns like safety, hotels and food, and others are given separate chapters.  The second section loosely mirrors the organization of the first section, and it is comprised of Richardson’s journal entrees over several visits to China over the years. Some entries evoke the strangeness of travel in the Orient, while some reflect the changes in China over the last two decades making travel there easier. These travel tales are satisfying for anyone interested in China, even those who have no intention of traveling there.

Getting Around in China: Notes from an American Traveler, like all books reviewed here, may be found at the San Juan Island Library.

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